The Preface of the Jiha efire be targabure juwan hacin

An interesting preface from a late 19th c. reprint [1] of a late 18th c. translation by a certain Gionai (Ch. 九鼐), both for the nice drowning metaphor that runs through it and for the indication it gives that knowledge of written Manchu was still widespread enough at this point in time (at least where […]

Être Mandchou en 1727

Voici les titres des dix chapitres du Tacibure hesei bithe, oeuvre de l’empereur Yongzheng et traçant aux Mandchous une ligne de conduite à suivre. Il est intéressant que le chapitre 5 soit consacré aux travaux des champs. Il s’agissait alors de sauver le système des Bannières de la banqueroute tout en améliorant les conditions de […]

The 小兒 論: a(nother) Manchu-Korean primer

Edit (January, 29, 2020): a scan of the book can be accessed at the Komazawa University Rare Materials. Searching for ‘満州語’ will also give you access to scans of the other Manchu-Korean titles: the 清語老乞大, the 八歲兒, and the 三譯総解 ). Following on from an earlier post on the 八歲兒 (P’alsea/Eight-year-old Child), a Manchu-Korean primer, […]